BuildOrBuy Group
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ADA Technology Resources - In The News:
- ADA Home Page -
ada.gov - Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with
Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities PC
- www.nwbuildnet.com
- ADA - American with Disabilities Act - Resource Guide:
Federal Internship Program Taps Potential of Young Members of the
Disability Community (2/24/2003).
- Commodio - Human Computer
Interaction (2/14/2003).
- BIGSHOT Screen Magnifier
reduce eyestrain and computer vision syndrome (11/26/2002).
Graphics - December 2001 - Matrox PixelTOUCH helping users to see the
bigger pixel (1/31/2002).
Barry Woolbright: computer
assistive technology abilityhub for disability and disabilities
- Job
Accommodation Network:
ADA Hot Links And Document Center
Disability Discrimination In Workplace Discussed:
- Federal Laws
Prohibiting Job Discrimination Questions And Answers:
American Association of Disabled
Persons Web site
With Disabilities Act (ADA)
- ACM: American
with Disabilities Act
- Assistive
Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
- Department
of Justice ADA Home Page
- U.S.
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
- The Arc of the United States
- The National Mental Health
Association - Leading the Way for America's Mental Health:
- U.S.
Access Board - A Federal Agency Committed to Design
- ACM:
Association for Computing Machinery, the world's first educational and
scientific computing society.
Welcome Page: Access For Visually Impaired Computer Users
- www.dolphinusa.com/products
- Kurzweil
- Kurzweil Educational Systems
- Kurzweil
1000 Overview - Reading Software for the blind and visually impaired:
Scanner Compatibility - Assistive Technology Software for learning
Please help us to keep this List Current
so we may help those who need these Resources.
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